Tuesday, December 16, 2008
ASoRoPR5: The Shack
Friday, August 8, 2008
ASoRoPR 4: Boy Meets Girl
Review of Joshua Harris’ Boy Meets Girl
The thing that compelled me most about Joshua Harris’ perspective was that he emphasized that a relationship (dating or courtship) is just another part of our lives in which we need to seek how we can set it apart for God’s glory. In that sense, this book is a call to holiness with an emphasis on courtship. What is courtship? I’m not sure I still know, but to put my understanding on paper it seems to be a “dating” relationship with purpose. Purpose. What a powerful idea… to be prayerfully thinking ahead. Purpose lessens the provision for the flesh and horrible mistakes. It pulls communication to the forefront, allowing rules and guidelines to be put in place. I’m not sure I’m sold on the idea of courtship, but here is what I have determined. The principles that Harris lays down should be put into any dating relationship. So laying all confusing/misleading terminology aside here’s what I’ve figured out:
Purpose. The Purpose of any relationship should be to prayerfully consider the idea of marriage (openly) with the person you are dating. You are not dating for the sake of dating, or having a girlfriend/boyfriend, but because you are seeking something more (seriously, no joke. This isn’t an excuse or façade). Purpose means communication. You must purpose what your standards will be, what safe guards will be in place.
Purity. Purity is a priority. The relationship should not just be encouraging purity, but making its provision. That means not making provision for the flesh. Some people will have different standards. I see that purity is more than just virginity. Intimacy is a whole package: physical intimacy begins long before sexual intercourse. My mind needs to be pure. My intentions need to be pure. Again with purpose. This is for the Lord. I am not going to be virgin by happenstance, but purposefully pure in obedience to God and for his glory.
Patience. Waiting on God is one of the hardest things to do. I’ve let impatience get the best of me before, so I know what Harris is talking about. Patience to wait to start a relationship. Patience to let it unfold at a healthy pace. Patience to be guarded emotionally. Wisdom calls us to slow down. Patience is one result of bringing Godly wisdom into romance. How often does “love” happen before friendship; “before they’ve built a friendship, they started playing at love.” Psalm 38:15 is a good reminder, “But for you, O LORD, do I wait; it is you, O LORD, my God, who will answer.”
Selflessness. Another facet provided by wisdom, this shows that nothing good will come from seeking my own desires. I must consider God. I must consider her; is she not also my sister in Christ (first and foremost). Whether or not she is “mine”, I am to love her as myself (James 3:17, Luke 6:31). Always do what’s best for the other person. Selfishness will motivate me to steal intimacy.
Lust Steals.
Community. Courtship will be successful when there are other people involved in the relationship. People to see, guide, help, and share in the joys and sorrows. You need to know someone for who they really are, not just during a 1 on 1 romantic setting, but with their church, their family, their friends. Community just makes sense.
Overall, Boy Meets Girl is an excellent book with great principles. Its stories are touching and compelling. It is filled with wisdom on the subject of relationships and has made me rethink a lot of my own ideas (or lack of ideas). I’m not saying I agree with everything Harris has to say.
ASoRoPR 3: Biblical Leadership
Review Biblical Leadership by Ken Collier & Matt Williams
The world is in a daze about what it means to be a leader- power, riches, authority and control mark the philosophy. For the Christian, however, our understanding should be much different. Sell the riches, resign the authority and give up the control because God calls us to be servant-leaders. The mentality of servant leadership, as Collier and Williams point out is a mentality and philosophy completely different from that of the world’s view. If am to be a ‘great’ or ‘successful’ leader there are a few things I must understand: 1) He who wants to be first, must be servant of all, 2) God’s word must be our authority, and 3) my whole life matters.
Christ set the example of what it means to be a servant-leader. He is our example, and I am to have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). We are first called to be a minister. “For the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister…” The leader must be “servant of all” (Mark 10:42-45). Having the mind of Christ requires me to put others before myself and being obedient to God- it is completely selfless. Being a leader is not a desk job- it can often be smut work, getting in the dirt, washing dirty feet. Christ fulfilled all of these things and his disciples (and Christians throughout the generations) sought to follow him. He was a leader and I am to emulate his example.
Christ’s apostles fought so hard to be considered to best and the greatest. Two were even bold enough to ask for positions of authority, and Christ responded this way “your way of ruling will not be like the Gentiles”, meaning your ways will not be like the worlds. Why? Because God said so. His word is our final authority- it stands forever and is forever profitable.
As a leader, or rather to become a true leader, I must realize that my whole life is being watched. I do not matter- I am nothing without Christ- but the way I choose to live my life does matter. I must live for God’s glory. This means that my thinking, my actions, my relationships with people all reflect something. The hard question is ask is if it is God. Everyone is watching, it all matters. So yeah, Biblical leadership is more than just about being a go-hung, trail-blazing, head of the line, but about a lifestyle that reflects Christ and manifests itself in a self-less servant whom people follow.
“Just two choices on the shelf: pleasing God or pleasing self.”
“Freedom is the ability to do what God wants us to do, not the license to do whatever we choose.”
ASoRoRPR 2: One Heartbeat Away
Disclaimer: This is not an attempt to write a professional book review. This is my way of helping me retain and meditate on what i've read. Consider my opinions, but remember they are opinions. I take the time to weigh the good with the bad, measure and seek for truth. My word is no final authority
One Heartbeat Away by Mark Cahill
With the purpose of presenting God as he truly is and ultimately work for a desire of evangelism to be instilled in Christians, Mark Cahill starts at the very beginning where most of the world writes of the truth of the Bible, that is Creation. It is practical to start with proving the existence of a creator and then proceed to prove that this Creator is the God of the Bible.
Creator- within the first two chapters of One Heartbeat Away Cahill uses scientific and philosophical arguments and knowledge to prove the necessary existence of a creator. Similar to many of the facts Strobel presents in Case for a Creator, this text uses well quoted field experts to present the case. Cahill’s first premise is that since the universe “displays creation, design, art, and order” and since the statistics are so improbable that this could happen by chance (in fact, so improbable it is actually impossible!) there must be a creator. A second strong idea is the presence of a moral law. However, he goes beyond the “simple thinking” of what we see to the knowledge of what scientists know- sharing what science has revealed to support creation.
I have heard so much of this before, but I can rarely pinpoint the knowledge within my mind- but for the sake of review, here goes nothing. First, something can never originate from nothing, scientifically, that’s the law of the Conservation of Matter, Energy, etc…so all that is could never have come from nothing without cause, the cause would naturally be a “something” unless it were not within the bounds of the ‘nothing’ but in a realm of its (His) own. Other evidence includes specific animals that could not have evolved, irreducibly complex organs (organisms), and the separable consciousness of man.
I’m convinced there is a creator, not necessarily by all the evidence Cahill provides, because some of it in my mind seems weak, but maybe that’s the skeptic in me. Once I have a creator where does this bring me, how does this move me? This Creator is a personal being, shown by creation. We look for this God where truth is clearly shown. The Bible contains scientific truth that has not until recently been discovered. The Bible contains predictions about the future and their coming true (which history also supports)- only God could do this. God has chosen to reveal himself through the Bible.
Now, believe it or not, everything up til this point is still progressing to Cahill’s main purpose, which is to present the Gospel, the reality of Heaven and Hell and God’s salvation. He goes through all of this to bring the reader to a point of understanding that there is a personal Creator who reveals himself through the Bible, so this is where we seek truth… TRUTH IS. The Message is that people are dying and going to Hell every second. What am I going to do about it? My position in Christ has changed me, I am a new Creation. I want to share that with others, but pride gets in the way. Pride? I allow pride to stop a soul from entering God’s salvation? The answer is yes. How do I change this? Cahill quotes an atheist who said that if what we are believing in is the truth, then we are so selfish in keeping it to ourselves.
Personal reflections
It is so convicting, but I feel so far away from it. It’s like there is spiritual battle going on within in me, but I’m not here. My witnessing is non-existent and my prayer life is miniscule. Being bold comes from putting on the armor of God (Ephesians 6), facing the battle and “speaking as I ought to speak.” It is no joke that people are dying without Christ. Why aren’t I in tears? Why haven’t I wept? Is my heart hardened, and if so by what? I am a hypocrite for being a silent witness. “Relational Evangelisms” we call it, but like Blake said (paraphrase) “so you think that way, but how many people have actively sought to relationally witness to? If none, then it’s just an excuse not to witness”
So what am I scared of? I think the solution is just to get out and witness. That may be why so often I feel spiritually dead. What good will it does my brother if when he is cold and hungry I say “go be ye warmed and filled?” Faith without works is dead. My actions reflect what I think about God, and my actions show that I don’t really think God is serious about Hell, but HE IS serious. This is my crisis of belief, where God is calling me to action. He HATES! HATES! HATES! Sin, but is not willing any should perish, but that all would come to repentance.
Let me check myself: I am a Saved.
I have been living too much in the flesh- I don’t have to sin anymore! Stop that! “Why should he who is dead to sin, continue to walk in it?”
I have un-confessed sin bearing down on my conscience
My Witness is dead.
I need to be living to reflect the holiness of God. My desires need to be re-directed.
I’ve allowed a lot to enter my mind that I shouldn’t have.
Wow, all of this from this book. Will I allow this to be a change for God’s glory?
A Series of reviews of recent past reads 1: The Case for a Creator
Lee Strobel gives an insight into his investigation of Christianity yet again in a journey that searches for the scientific evidence of a Creator. He is validated in his investigation as it both a personal and skeptical and seeks out the true evidence. Even an atheist would be compelled by his motives, but maybe not his conclusions. Strobel concludes not just that the universe is the creation of a single all-powerful personal creating entity, but that this entity is the God of the Bible.
A design hypothesis is a large fundamental question. John Polkinghorne said “A big fundamental question, like belief in God (or disbelief), is not settled by a single argument. It’s too complicated for that. What one has to do is to consider lots of different issues and see whether or not the answers one gets ad up to a total picture that makes sense” (279). Strobel takes a look at many facets of science to find the evidence and make a conclusion.
The Evidence of Cosmology: The Kalam argument is a millennia old cosmological argument for the existence of a creator, and is now becoming more valid as science seems to back up its premises. 1) Whatever begins to exist has a cause. 2) the universe had a beginning in what we often know as the Big Bang. There is scientifically no way of getting a round the idea of a starting point for the universe’s existence in time. 3) the universe, having a beginning, must have a cause.
The Evidence of Physics: The fine-tuning principle shows that most of the universe seems finely calibrated for the capability of life. The stats are incredible and if any of the numbers representing our universe’s functions were off by the smallest amounts, the changes would be drastic not allowing any way for life to happen. The chance are so improbable that this would a hit or miss accident.
The Evidence of astronomy: Earth’s position in the universe is perfectly conducive for life. Our solar system, our sun, distances from the sun, the right mass, right light, right age, and right kind of galaxy all allow for the nurturing of life on Earth. Coincidence?
The Evidence of Biochemistry: The facts about irreducibly complex molecular machines show that there are some things that could have not evolved to what they are as they would have no function similar to what they now serve, such as cilia or flagella. This shows that these micro-organisms are unlikely to have developed piece-by-piece over time, but rather at once each irreducibly complex molecular machine in place for the total function of the organism. Darwin said “if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down” (281). Woops, sorry Darwin.
The Evidence of Biological information: DNA is code, a sequential arrangement of 4 chemicals that is complex and corresponds to an independent pattern or function; this is always a product of intelligence. Also, The Cambrian explosion shows that there are many species in the fossil record that just appear out of nowhere, coming from now previous ancestor, but of the common age. These two things show mind- “a conscious, purposeful, rational, intelligent designer who’s amazingly creative” (282).
The Evidence of Consciousness: Does the mind exist without the brain? Are they jointly related? Does the brain directly affect the mind? Science proves the answer to be no. The mind is more than just a response to the functions of the brain- it is independent. We all know this. To question is to prove. Cogito Ergo Sum.
So the next question to ask is why this creator has to be the God of the Bible. This God is not the god of deism because the creator-God created purposefully and willfully and still proves actively at work with his creation. He did not just walk away. Ockham’s razor shows that polytheism is overruled by shaving away the multiple gods and simplifying the necessary causes. New Age religions seek an impersonal divine force, but this is disproven by the personal nature of the Creator.
The Bible describes God as/with:
A Creator
Uncaused and timeless
Freedom of will
Intelligent and rational
Enormously powerful
Having given humankind purpose
Providing for life after death (285)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Aliens and Bob Barker to make appearance at Teen Campout...
Blake and I have been our heads together on this one (well his head has more to contribute), trying to get every detail in place. While it seems like all the activities are coming together, certain logistics are still not settled. The administration part of ministry tends to be very difficult. It involves a lot of patience, planning, and necessitates effective communication with people all around you. Of course, i can plan "things" all i want if i have the time and energy to spend putting detail together, but spiritual guidance is more difficult. It takes a dedicated man, filled with the spirit, and covered in grace to be a Pastor. You all know how difficult it is for us to take care of ourselves spiritually, but in addition to shepherd a flock of God's people. This is a high calling, no doubt. I can look at those challenges, see difficulties, know that I will fail, but my heart longs for it still anyway! I think sometimes i want to scare myself out of ministry. In fact, even now, writing this all out, I wonder "how am I going to be able to do this?" (in fact, i wonder a lot. worth, value, strength, character, do I have it?) Ah, and i quickly realize "not I, but Christ." Only by God's grace which, "teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should soberly, righteously and God in this present world." That is power.
In preparing for one weekend for our teenagers, i see many aspects of what i will face in the ministry. Am I ready for it? Certainly not. Am I still pursuing it? haha, you bet!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
A Freed Slave
Update on Justin (from Mrs. Killilay)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The good ole days are now
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Twelve Year Old Named Justin
He wants to be extreme. He talks all the time about his Dad (he really loves him) and all the cool stuff he does like sky-diving---I've heard tons of stories about sky-diving from him-- and how when he gets old enough that's one of the first things he's going to do. What a cool kid!
The coolest thing about him, though, is his desire to know and love God. His relationship with Jesus is so obvious, his Joy shouts God's praises. Blake Meyer (the other intern I work with) and I both see the work of the Lord in his life... Praise God for Mrs. Killilay (Justin's mom) and her persistence with raising her boys in the clear presence of the Gospel.
See what a cool kid Justin is? Well, Justin needs our prayers. I beg you for those prayers. Monday morning at 4 am he was admitted to a local children's hospital for Pneumonia (sp?). When they gave him his medication, his body rejected it (auto-immune). So far he has not gotten better, but seemingly worse. His body is fighting itself and the medication with all it has and the pneumonia only grows stronger. He is on morphine for his pain, which inhibits his breathing more. The doctors are confused and uncertainty fills the hospital room with fear. Please pray for Justin and his family. This is a trying time for him, his family, and our church. Pray that Justin would be healed. Pray that his family would be unified and comforted. Pray that God's sovereignty would be clearly seen and accepted in all of this. Please pray. Believe in faith. Claim it. Don't doubt your insufficiency to pray---now is not the time for that.
Of Noble Birth
1 Corinthians 1:26-29 "For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. "
That passage is the reason behind my name, the reason behind the name of this blog. Conisder this, You Christian are of noble birth. You were not wise, you were not powerful, and you were not noble- but now you are. A child of the king, should live nobly. Holiness is the mark of our God. * Notice to the reader, we must consider humility- no one has any right to boast- our nobility is not our own, but God's. Holy does not mean "holier than thou." Be Humble. Love People. Lose Self.
How do we follow his command "You Shall be holy for I am Holy" (1 Peter 1:16)... Well first off start with 1 corinthians 1- Wisdom. I think it is clear that holiness is arrayed in wisdom. Re-read those verse. "God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise." God's wisdom is not man's wisdom- they don't meet anywhere in the middle. What God calls folly, man calls wise; what men call foolishness God calls wisdom and that's right, confuses those very same men, putting them to shame.
So next time the world tells me to do something, I'll think twice and not jump right into it because to God it may be foolishness. And since we wear a noble title, let's not misrepresent our Kingly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.