Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So if it isn't obvious, I have really not been faithful lately with getting things done. I have a stack of books to read, a list of things to do, and a world of challenges ahead of me that I am somewhat frightened to take on. I wish i could fill you in on all the great stuff i'm learning, but to be  honest i feel kind of dry right now. I think i'm going to leave the stack of books behind (sort of) and pick up just one for right now. I'm deciding between Love Dare, a book about love from 1 corinthians 13 geared to married people (but seems like its got a lot of stuff i need to learn now) and a book about attitude called Lord, Change My Attitude. So if anyone knows of anything worth reading that will be uplifting and spiritually challenging (but easy to read) please let me know. Haha, i know, i only have 2 "followers" and i could just talk to either of you, but maybe someone will read this.

So for now: "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all he that has and buys that field" (Matthew 13:44)