I feel like i'm cheating the men of my fraternity by not being able to lead them properly. I feel like i am shorting my girlfriend because I just can't find joy. I know i am shorting God because my heart is in anguish. Remember that verse i posted a few days ago, from Matthew? The one that says the "kindom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field"? Well the man finds it and then for the sake of joy goes and sells all that he has to buy the field that it is in so that he can have the treasure. Joy. I remember what that feels like. The happiness, the smiles, the shouts that cannot be contained. It bubbles over and grows exponentially. Its joy. Joy in knowing God. Joy in pleasing God. Joy in being with people I love. Now what do I feel? discontentment, desire. An undescribable distant feeling, very much the antithesis of joy. HOW DO I FIND IT AGAIN?
I feel like i'm lying to everyone around me. God isn't fooled. I don't think anyone is fooled. I'm the fool.