In case you all did not know, I work as a Barista for Starbucks coffee. I have for over 2 years actually. Well in this line of work its more than delicious beverages and jolly times, this is a line of duty where you can meet some very interesting people, to say the least. Some people are crazy about their drinks (what they order, the way they order, etc...), some are complainers (which I loathe when it is done for its own purpose), some are mean, some are super nice, and one insists that she knows you!
So on an average night during the summer our store tends to be slow of business. Tonight was an average night. My co-worker Imaad and I were having a good time talking while we worked. Imaad and I have many stimulating conversations about pop-culture, politics, philosophy, religion (Imaad is a Muslim so these conversations are straight up insightful, not inciteful), and crazy moms.
Around 9:40 a girl comes in. She doesn't order anything, but comes up to the counter to talk to Imaad. She asked him where he was from and what high school he went to because she was convinced that she knew him. Well, the high school thing wasn't it. She then began to go through what seemed like her whole life story to see if he fit anywhere in it. Did you ever go to this place? Have you ever eaten at this restaurant? Have you ever heard of this company? Have you ever been to this state, or that country or flown on this airway? Did you go to a wedding about two weeks ago in Duluth?
To all of these questions the answer was no. While all of this was going on, I was minding my own business cleaning and making drinks. The five customers in the cafe were all aware of the hilarious interrogation going. They were whispering and staring and laughing from time-to-time. In my mind I was thinking "maybe you know him because you came in here three hours ago and he made you're drink?" Apparantly there had to be more...
Finally, as if this wouldn't have been the best place to start, she says "you know, I work for Starbucks too!" Hmm. Interesting.
"Well where do you work?" asked Imaad
"Oh, all over. Lots of different stores," she said as she proceeded to list off a few. As it turns out they were stores near stores that both Imaad and I were familiar with. So the interrogation continued. "Do you know this person? or that person" "No"
"Have you ever worked at this store or that?"
"No, but my brother did for a while"
"Oh does he look like you?"
We both shake our heads as Imaad says "haha no"
"Well one night I will wake up in a cold sweat remembering where I know you from" She finished
finally she left, giving us her card to call her if we had any hours to give away (which we dont! We are all struggling as it is!)
Once she had passed through the front door and everyone heard it close it seemed like everyone in the store synchronized said "Oh my God!" including Imaad, a girl and two guys at a table, a funny old asian man, and myself (with the euphomized 'Gosh' replacing God) and then they all laughed.
The girl was straight up crazy and wasted so much of our time! We went on the rest of the night to joke about these things and others. My thoughts? Well i think she just wanted Imaad really bad and couldn't bring herself to leave.