Regarding the challenge Brian has issued on acountability for our brotherhood this summer. We are indeed facing much temptation, but as we all know from scripture as well as experience
"there has no temptation taken us, but such as is common to man."
Yeah we all face the same things, and our temptations and failures are nothing new under the sun. And thank God for his promise that
"he is faithful and will with every temptation provide a means of escape so that we will be able to bear it."
How many times have we seen these provisions of escape come and go, as our flesh learns to ignore the spirit and push us into sin? Too many. Embrace the spirit's provision. Every time you are about to fall into your same habitual sin, whether it be sexual or not, listen for the name of God, a scripture that comes to your heart, the vision of your mother or girlfriend being disappointed in you... Sometimes God's way of escape are more blatant, like a roommate knocking on your bedroom door to ask if he can eat your oatmeal right as you are about to give into temptation.
Also remember, Our Lord Jesus is our high priest and we have are blessed that our advocate knows every struggle we face in a very real way. Remember Jesus was a man! Jesus never sinned, but I believe the reality of his manhood caused him "to be touched with an understanding of our infirmities" and yet "he was tempted in all points like as WE are, yet without sin"
The best [sin] council i ever got was from my Pastor who said, "just stop it! Have you ever read Romans (the same passage that Brian pointed out to us)? You DON"T have to SIN ANYMORE! So STOP!"
What a truth! Stay encouraged men and keep fighting. As that very cliche disney movie says "we're all in this together!"
With Love as Deep (and deeper)and as salty as the Dead Sea,