So this post is a simple shout-out to my girl Molly. She frequently visits me at work, hangs out while i'm working and makes it fun! All of co-workers love Molly, especially Mark and Imaad. I kind of think she has a crush on Mark ;) Just Kidding... I hope. Sometimes I work the crazy shifts where I have to wake up before the crack of dawn to make tired people (uh me too!) their coffee. Well 5:30 am is a bit early for her to come and visit, but promptly at 5:20 I recieve a text message from her wishing me a great day at work and reminding me that she is praying for me. She sets an alarm to do this and then goes back to sleep (could you blame her?).
I told my co-worker Erica about this early morning text and she said "aww she is the sweetest girl ever!" I could only grin and agree. So there you have it, the sweetest girl ever is my girlfriend. I am blessed beyond any fathomable degree of measure.