Thursday, November 19, 2009

I can't help but believe!

So I know I am terrible at blogging. But let's be honest, I don't have a lot of time and computer addictions are real. But that is besides the point. I have a simple personal story of God's provision... even in 'trivial' matters. I lost my very expensive polarized sunglasses about a week ago. After a few days of looking in the common and obvious places and not finding them I gave up and quickly forgot about them. Someone didn't: My girlfriend's mom. She is a faithful friend of God and her prayer life shows it. I have seen so many times how the things she prays for get answered. Vigilant Prayer Warrior! Well, to continue on this story, I was at work last night, and having a pretty rotten night to say the least but amidst that I randomly found my sunglasses in a very obscure place. I texted Molly, my girlfriend right then. She was excited because she and her mom had JUST prayed that I would find them.

It's simple. But it's real. Prayer: I can't help but believe.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ASoRoRPR: Crazy Love

Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

What is your Christian life?

Too many Christians try to water down Christianity. Post-Modernism greatly threatens our faith as many "emergent" Pastors from post-modern, "emerging" churches question and forsake the authority of God and the inspiration of the Bible for a viewpoint that holds Truth (capital 't') as only relative "truth" (lower case 't'). Do all roads lead to God? "There is no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved." And yet, Christian pastors forsake Jesus for an "open conversation" about God where "personal interpretation" is everything. This sounds good, but it is dangerous. (let me just say, I am not against open conversation about religion, and I certainly believe that narrow-or closed-mindedness never got anyone anywhere, BUT I also believe in capital 't' Truth)... Anyway I digress because I say all of that to say that Francis Chan is NOT one of those Pastors/Writers/Speakers.
Chan presents a strong message in a Gospel that changes lives, assuredly through Jesus, and a Love that only could come from God. Some preachers use the Love of God in such a wrong way, as they use it as an excuse for sin, an abandonment of strong doctrine, or support for a prosperity gospel, which promises you "Your best life NOW" (something Jesus did not teach... he taught something different. "take up your cross and follow me,""Go, sell all that you have and follow me," "all who live a godly will be persecuted." (Matt. 16:24, Luke 18:22, 2 timothy 3:12)) Chan, however, teaches that God's love has the power to change us, allowing us to be Godly, abandoning our sin, our lukewarm tendencies, and becoming a real deed-proven Christ-follower. This isn't too different from MacArthur's Lordship Salvation (which says your obedient submissive works prove your salvation), but Chan presents it in a way that is more real to the current generation which is faced with uncertainty and the threat of relativity.
The book is interactive with direction to video's and presentations online that are used to get the reader's attention and strongly emphasize a point, often WOWing you about God and about the truth of the message.
The most convicitng aspect to me was Chan's outlook on being a Lukewarm Christian. Can one be Lukewarm (that is neither Hot nor Cold) and still be a child of God? I work in a local starbucks. We sell hot fresh brewed coffee cup after cup after cup. We also sell delicious and refreshing iced brewed coffee; during the summer its the treat that cools you off and keeps you going. Now imagine coming to my Starbucks and you buy a hot fresh cup of brewed coffee. That's what you expect to get, but instead I give you a room temperature cup of coffee that has been standing by itself for over an hour. And what the heck, let's add coffee grinds at the bottom. HOW SICK! I have seen customers spit a drink right out of there mouths when this happens (not on purpose). What other response is there? Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit! I wanted HOT fresh brewed coffee. Iced coffee would have suited me fine. But THIS DISGUSTING room temperature, NOT HOT, NOT COLD coffee is sick. "So, because YOU are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth" (Revelation 3:16).
Chan's profile of the Lukewarm is so convicting as he lays out the solid truth that we cannot be undecided about serving God or the world. Thankfully, he also provides positive upward encouragement to drag us from lukewarmness to HOT.

Check out this book. It will surely challenge your faith and build you up during the trials of your life and our Age.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hospitals are not Bed and Breakfasts

So late last night after studying statistics for a few hours at a local coffee shop, my chest began to hurt. It was a long sharp pain that worsened when i breathed. Thus, I was having a very difficult time breathing. I have felt this pain before and usually it doesn't last long and goes away with basic pain meds, but last night was different. The pain was agonizing, worse than I have ever felt before. I was scared to think that I, a twenty-year-old might be having a heart attack. My girlfriend (the sweetest girl ever, as decided by my previous post) took me to St. Mary's hospital. I did not want to go. My mom tried to convince us to call an ambulance, but I know what goes on in those torture vehicles (I promise I'm no conspiracy theorist, just scared of needles and other things. Plus the ambulance people are usually tough men without much sympathy and stick you good and hard. The nurses at the hospital are sweet and call you baby and honey and tell you what a good job you're doing breathing as they load an I/V into your arm). So she drove me to the ER. Throughout the course of the night about 5 different medical personnel asked me the same questions 1) what brings you here tonight, 2) can you describe your pain 3) how long has it been hurting 4) all sorts of medical questions...
Molly says "you would think they would communicate better so that they didn't all have to ask you the same questions." I believed that they do that to rule out lying and hypochondria, i.e. to see if I stick with the same story or if I'm trying to manipulate them into giving me drugs.
Well, props to Nurse Nina who took my blood without me even knowing it, and put me on oxygen. She was very sweet, but unfortunately her shift ended at 1 am, so Thomas, also a cool dude, filled in. He was the one who gave me the pain meds, so I liked him. Jim, a nigerian man, took my x-rays. Kathy asked all of the important registration information like insurance, religious preferences... let me just say that that freaked me out because I am openly a Christian, but i thought she was implying that I was going to need someone to make final peace with. I said my Pastor's name is David Wood. She didn't really care. It was just a simple question... My Dad showed up to take care of me and all the insurance stuff. He drove an hour without any idea where this hospital was. I believe the Holy Spirit led him once he got to athens. Once he got there I gave Molly the chance to leave and go to bed since we both had class to go to this morning, but she didn't. She stayed the whole time. Aunt Les, she is a keeper! Dr. Berman was a short creepy kind of man. He scared me. He also didn't seem to be much help in fixing the problem, just ordering me meds for the moment. He was nice though.
After so long they came back and told me what they thought was going on. The EKG did not show anything abnormal so it was not a heart attack (Praise God!). [BTW, EKG stands for -electrocardiogram. Why they have a 'K' and not a 'C'? Dont ask me! They're the professionals] My breathe rate was very fast as my breathing was quick and shallow and my heart rate was up. So what's wrong with me? We all were in suspense and wanted know. Dad joked about it being gas. Ha Ha. No. Apparently, there is some inflammation that is making my organs and my ribs push together causing all of that pain. They prescribed me some anti-inflammatory drugs and sent me home. Now we wait... I have not gotten the drugs yet, so I am still in pain, though no where near as bad as last night.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Barista's Eyes: the sweetest girl ever!

So this post is a simple shout-out to my girl Molly. She frequently visits me at work, hangs out while i'm working and makes it fun! All of co-workers love Molly, especially Mark and Imaad. I kind of think she has a crush on Mark ;) Just Kidding... I hope. Sometimes I work the crazy shifts where I have to wake up before the crack of dawn to make tired people (uh me too!) their coffee. Well 5:30 am is a bit early for her to come and visit, but promptly at 5:20 I recieve a text message from her wishing me a great day at work and reminding me that she is praying for me. She sets an alarm to do this and then goes back to sleep (could you blame her?). 
I told my co-worker Erica about this early morning text and she said "aww she is the sweetest girl ever!" I could only grin and agree. So there you have it, the sweetest girl ever is my girlfriend. I am blessed beyond any fathomable degree of measure.

Wise Folly: Stewardship and Resource Management

Biblical and Practical Leadership Part 1: 

"Remember how short my time is!" Psalm 89:47

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
 a time to be born, and a time to
 die;a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal;a time to break down, and a time to build up;" Ecclessiastes 3:1-3

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Ephesians 5:5-17

"Keep this...appointed time from year to year" Exodus 13:10

This comes from a learning college student who understands the fruit of this particular issue, though not a well seasoned expert on resource managment...

I believe that as you study the Bible you will find great wisdom about many a thing including leadership. Great leadership is not about power and authority. Leadership is not about being in the spot-light. What does it take to make a great leader? Here are three things that I will discuss in basics about Biblical leadership, which proves to be quite practical for even you skeptics: Servant-hood, example leadership, and stewardship and resource management.
I choose first to talk about the last, stewardship and resource management, because it is probably the biggest practical issue we all face. How do I cram so much into so little? Time and money being the biggest resources to be allocated. Let me start by saying that this is a biblical principal. Resource management is Biblical! I am not speaking as an expert, just as someone who has figured out the hard way in college that it is necessary. When you have 3 tests to study for, 2 projects to do, teenagers to teach, a job to do, and friends to hang with you have to learn to manage your time otherwise you could end up screwing up the most important of your priorities. Yes, that's rights priorities. You must prioritize. Seriously, start every week with time set aside to budget your time for that week. Let's face it, hanging with friends isn't as important as acing that Greek test, and even that is not as important as spending time for spiritual propulsion.
Scripture also talks about organization. God is not a god of chaos! Why should we let our lives be chaotic? Be organized. Be prepared. The practical illustration goes something like this. You have a jar that represents the totality of a specific resource, say time. Anything that can fit inside the jar you have the time to do. You have rocks, pebbles and sand representing your priorities, rocks being the largest represent the main priorities (time with God, work, studying), pebbles represent the lesser, and sand the least (playing wii for five hours). If you start with your jar full of sand you cannot get the rocks in the jar, let alone the pebbles. However, if you carefully place each rock into the jar, and then let the pebbles fall in around them you still have room to pour the least important sand (all of it if you measure carefully). In fact, you can then even take water and pour it in slowly. This common and simple illustration shows that we are poor managers of our resources. Take financial budgeting for instance. If we do all of our fun and frivilous spending at the beginning of the month we will have to scrounge together the money to buy groceries, pay and bills, and tithe. But if we prioritize, put God first, then pay our bills, and even give others an opportunity to recieve from our generosity, we will better manage our resource of money.
The leadership application. It's simple you can't lead others effectively if your resources are ill-managed. You just can't! It is bad both in practice as you give time  to your areas of leadership (if you mismanage something important and vital could be neglected) and in the example you set as a leader (which will be a whole 'nother segement of Wise Folly). Time is a very limited resource. We cannot, no matter how hard we try, add more time to our days. Our time is short and precious. We cannot waste it. Paul even says in Ephesians 5 that to not understand this is to miss the will of the Lord. Biblical Leadership.

Here is the "exception". Leave space in the margins.

Plan your whole day, week, whatever, hour by hour, minute by minute if you have to. But leave the margins of your paper (figuratively and literally) empty. This means that you have extra "down time." This is kind of like planning for spontentaity, but not that extreme. The margins allow you to be spontaneous yet still aware of your obligations. You can be a little off schedule every once in a while if you have a margin to fall back on.
And don't forget about the sabbath principle. Every body needs a day of rest...

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Barista's Eyes: There is no 'short-cut' to God

Co-workers are always interesting. We have all heard our fair share of complaints about people that other people work with. "Suzie keeps such a disgusting cubicle" or "John is so annoying with his endless questions, how is he keeping this job?" or "can you believe Jeff? He got a raise, and for what? He is the laziest person..." We all know crazy co-workers with habits or beliefs different than our own who either grate on our nerves or leave us scratching our heads thinking "Did that really just happen?" I myself have worked with some very interesting people. Maybe one day I will tell you all about each character, but today I want to talk about one man whose name I will change for his sake: Carl (this is all true except for the name change).
While we were working together, Carl approached me with a loaded question about God. He asked about the history of mythology "christ-like" stories that existed in mythologies before the time of Christ. I answered him with more specifics than he gave me about the stories, such as Isis, Horace, Dionysis, etc... Anyway, the details don't matter too much except to say that the myths of these stories contain "virgin birth" and resurrection. My response was three-fold. 
1) the reality is that some of these stories were changed to be more messianic immediately after the time of Christ to protect the Roman state religion (which was directly adapted from Greek mythology and was common practice along with the speaking of the Greek language) as well as during the Romanization of Christianity and acculturation of it as the Roman empire spread. Basically they took the Christian stories and melded them with local religion to accomodate all parties. This resulted in a Horace who was virgin born, a dionysis and hercules who resurrected, etc... (Originally Dionysis and hercules died and their spirits went to live among the gods for their valiant heroism and demi-god heritage, but later there are some resurrection stories)
2) keep in mind the historocity of the stories. The Greek, Roman, and Egyptions myths are stories without any valid historical references or supporting contexts. Even the followers of those state religions believed them only to be myth. Jesus however, is undeniably a historical figure and though many people hate to admit it, there is too much proof of his resurrection to deny it as a historical event. The number of eye-witnesses, the multitudes of changed lives who lived and boldy stood and died for what they saw. For more about this historocity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, check out the work of Gary Habermas.
3) I am not a pluralist by any stretch of the imagination. I believe that faith in the sinless life, vicarious substitutionary death, and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ for our redemption from sin (not just its penalty!) is the only way to God. However, I also believe that the innate belief of spiritual things by all people, including the people who first wrote these myths and then those who followed them, points the fact that there is indeed a God. Of course there is so much more ground to be covered to testify that that God is the God of the Bible, but the apologetic argument and proof uncannily exist.

Well as it turns out Carl really like the logic of my response. He said "too many Christians hide behind faith to cover up their ignorance, but you seem to have at least thought through this." 

Carl is not a Christian, he does not call himself a Christian, but he believes that he believes in God and Christ. Rather, not that he has faith, but that he knows undoubtedly and therefore cannot have faith as faith has the implication and possibilty of doubt. Please follow with me and don't yet jump to conclusions.

About ten years ago, Carl left his parents christian "religion" and identified as an atheist. Then, in a set of strange circumstances was brought to a south-american shaman. basically a cult witch doctor. This WD put together a special "tea" (as it was called, but Carl described it as more of a putrescent liquidious paste). Carl and a few companions consumed the tea and got very sick. Carl says he was vomiting for hours, and then when he believes all of his impurites were gone, everything around him disappeared and everything was silent for a moment. Next what he experienced he believes to be the mind of God. "I was in the mind of God!" he said "it was incredible the thoughts and wisdom and greatness." Carl cannot describe anything specific, nor can he truly recall the feeling of what he experienced. He swears it was not a hallucination (previously in his life he did a lot of drugs so he says he would know if it were. I still believe it was). Carl calls this his short-cut to God. He no longers has a "need of faith" he says  as he "knows God exists and knows Christ exists" as he has "been in God's mind and experienced his thoughts." 
Carl was very serious in telling this to me. He trusted me not to mock him, so i did not (though I had some concerns with his theory that i expressed to him). He truly believes that he experienced a short-cut to God. No doubt, drugs are tied into spiritual things, but not God. There is spiritual wickedness out there seeking to decieve and corrupt the people God would save. Also remember Jesus said "no one comes to the Father, except through me" (John 14:6).

Tell me what you think...

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Barista's Eyes: Don't I know you?

In case you all did not know, I work as a Barista for Starbucks coffee. I have for over 2 years actually. Well in this line of work its more than delicious beverages and jolly times, this is a line of duty where you can meet some very interesting people, to say the least. Some people are crazy about their drinks (what they order, the way they order, etc...), some are complainers (which I loathe when it is done for its own purpose), some are mean, some are super nice, and one insists that she knows you! 
So on an average night during the summer our store tends to be slow of business. Tonight was an average night. My co-worker Imaad and I were having a good time talking while we worked. Imaad and I have many stimulating conversations about pop-culture, politics, philosophy, religion (Imaad is a Muslim so these conversations are straight up insightful, not inciteful), and crazy moms.
Around 9:40 a girl comes in. She doesn't order anything, but comes up to the counter to talk to Imaad. She asked him where he was from and what high school he went to because she was convinced that she knew him. Well, the high school thing wasn't it. She then began to go through what seemed like her whole life story to see if he fit anywhere in it. Did you ever go to this place? Have you ever eaten at this restaurant? Have you ever heard of this company? Have you ever been to this state, or that country or flown on this airway? Did you go to a wedding about two weeks ago in Duluth? 
To all of these questions the answer was no. While all of this was going on, I was minding my own business cleaning and making drinks. The five customers in the cafe were all aware of the hilarious interrogation going. They were whispering and staring and laughing from  time-to-time. In my mind I was thinking "maybe you know him because you came in here three hours ago and he made you're drink?" Apparantly there had to be more...
Finally, as if this wouldn't have been the best place to start, she says "you know, I work for Starbucks too!" Hmm. Interesting. 
"Well where do you work?" asked Imaad
"Oh, all over. Lots of different stores," she said as she proceeded to list off a few. As it turns out they were stores near stores that both Imaad and I were familiar with. So the interrogation continued. "Do you know this person? or that person" "No" 
"Have you ever worked at this store or that?"
"No, but my brother did for a while"
"Oh does he look like you?"
We both shake our heads as Imaad says "haha no"
"Well one night I will wake up in a cold sweat remembering where I know you from" She finished

 finally she left, giving us her card to call her if we had any hours to give away (which we dont! We are all struggling as it is!)

Once she had passed through the front door and everyone heard it close it seemed like everyone in the store synchronized said "Oh my God!" including Imaad, a girl and two guys at a table, a funny old asian man, and myself (with the euphomized 'Gosh' replacing God) and then they all laughed.

The girl was straight up crazy and wasted so much of our time! We went on the rest of the night to joke about these things and others. My thoughts? Well i think she just wanted Imaad really bad and couldn't bring herself to leave.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Grace, forgiveness, and restoration

Have you, Christian and non-christian, ever seen a family on the brink of disestablishment, about to be torn apart because of the unfaithfulness of a parent and spouse? Yes, I believe that affairs followed by divorce are growing in their commonality within our culture. It hurts! so much it hurts! It cuts to the deepest places of our heart and soul and leaves wounds and scars that serve as a reminder of the diservice done. These wounds and scars seem to have a very appropriate place within our lives and I have a hard time not justifying them, but two days ago I got to experience healing.

Grace Baptist Church is a family. We go through hardships along with our joyous moments. We praise together and we mourne and weep together because that is what families do! Well this past Sunday, a dear friend came back. He came back to our church and back to his family. After a long time of playing cat and mouse in councilling and seeking repentance (let me just say that God works and just because things don't turn around on the timeline we want God is still powerful) he apologized to our whole family (church) very specifically. He asked his kids for forgiveness, he asked his wife for forgiveness, he asked our pastor for forgiveness, he asked our whole family for forgiveness. I wish I could accurately verbalize what we experienced. I believe it is a glimpse of the truth and promise of Freedom!

Yes, we were all crying. Tears of grief and sorrowful joy. I love this friend. Don't let anyone tell you that their choices don't affect anyone else! That is the farthest thing from the truth. My sin hurts everyone around me, especially those who look up to me.

We had the blessed opportunity to open the scripture and seek God's encouragement in this difficult and joyous situation.

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it (righteousness) my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way..." (philippians 3:12-15)

God's grace is so awesome! We need to see that. And when we see how awesome God's grace and forgiveness is to us (I deserve what? eternal damnation because of what I do to God and everyone else every day of my life. I lust. I'm dishonest. I cut you down with wicked words) we can give it to our brothers and sisters who need it. After all " if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" (Matthew 6:15).

When you open your heart to forgive there can be restoration, reconciliation and healing. We are not there yet, but we are on our way...

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness... Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:1,2)

The happiest moment I have had in a long time was when this brother and I embraced and cried, he in my chest and I on his shoulder. And in fact I am crying again as I write this...

Summer Lovin'

The following is encouragement to all of us out there struggling in sin and temptation. Our brotherhood is endeavoring to gain freedom from our deepest struggles and one particular brother has issued us a great challenge. The following is my response:

Regarding the challenge Brian has issued on acountability for our brotherhood this summer. We are indeed facing much temptation, but as we all know from scripture as well as experience 

"there has no temptation taken us, but such as is common to man." 

Yeah we all face the same things, and our temptations and failures are nothing new under the sun. And thank God for his promise that 

"he is faithful and will with every temptation provide a means of escape so that we will be able to bear it."

 How many times have we seen these provisions of escape come and go, as our flesh learns to ignore the spirit and push us into sin? Too many. Embrace the spirit's provision. Every time you are about to fall into your same habitual sin, whether it be sexual or not, listen for the name of God, a scripture that comes to your heart, the vision of your mother or girlfriend being disappointed in you... Sometimes God's way of escape are more blatant, like a roommate knocking on your bedroom door to ask if he can eat your oatmeal right as you are about to give into temptation. 

Also remember, Our Lord Jesus is our high priest and we have are blessed that our advocate knows every struggle we face in a very real way. Remember Jesus was a man! Jesus never sinned, but I believe the reality of his manhood caused him "to be touched with an understanding of our infirmities" and yet "he was tempted in all points like as WE are, yet without sin"

The best [sin] council i ever got was from my Pastor who said, "just stop it! Have you ever read Romans (the same passage that Brian pointed out to us)? You DON"T have to SIN ANYMORE! So STOP!" 

What a truth! Stay encouraged men and keep fighting. As that very cliche disney movie says "we're all in this together!"

With Love as Deep (and deeper)and as salty as the Dead Sea,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finals, Summer, Mother's Day, Lime green and Shaving Cream: nonsensical update and wisdom

My pre-finals week went something like this: 3 lengthy papers, 1 presentation, 2 tests. It was a difficult week, but I pulled through and its history. Finals week wasn't bad. I had two finals within the first two days, so despite the fact that it takes much time and preparation to fare well on most final exams, I was done on tuesday and these too are history. Now for the grades: A, A, A, etc... as expected in most classes. Then, unsuspectingly I pulled a B+ in Greek 1002 (the hardest freakin language class I have ever taken) when I was riding the C border-line all semester. I scored over 100 on the last test, and I'm assuming I made on A on the final.
So now it is summer. Incognito for a week in Suwanee was restful pushing boring. I did laundry, saw Star Trek ( probably the biggest Summer "must-see", watched many episodes of Stargate SG-1, and got gnawed on by my Mother's Westhighland Terror, uh I mean Terrier. He likes toes and wrists, demanding belly-rubs with the threat of amputation of any appendage in his range. But I diegress for the climax and the moral containing fable I am about to tell about Mother's day is what you will really get a kick out of. Mother's day is a day for honoring your Mother (in addition to every other day "and the days of your life will be long"). I have a great one. She is crazy, but has loved my siblings and myself with everything she has, so this year instead of being cheezy and making her some lame "creative" gift (this works for 5 year-olds) I decided with my sister to buy my mom something nice. We decided we would get her a colored-pearl chain necklace. Its classy and cost me a pretty penny. My sister agreed to pay half. She never did, and THEN without my presence on Mother's day morning, my sister craftily took the gift from its hiding place and presented it to my mother. Again I will say, she did this WITHOUT ME and without contributing to the gift. I was not as mad as I was upset that i didn't get to give the prized necklace to my mom.

Two quick side stories before the moral:

1) my brother bought like 10 kippas (jewish hats) and asked me if I wanted a lime green one. It was a funny moment. He is buying them to match his different outfits. I am not Jewish. He is trying to become Jewish. So I ask myself, "self, why is Chris buying so many different colored kippas to match his outfits. Does he plan on wearing one all the time now?" The answer is yet to be determined, but it made me laugh.

2) My girlfriend hated my most recent shaving cream scent. I use EGDE because it keeps my skin fresh, moist, and with minium irritation as I have sensitive skin. So we went on a little adventure to find some with a scent that she likes. The story ends with me having to scent-free shaving gel (EDGE), the only choice being ultra-sensitive oatmeal enhanced. Hmmm. I'm not sure how I feel about this. My next shave should be delicious, though mildly boring and soapy. I will compensate by wearing cologne.

The moral: get a better hiding spot for presents you don't want to be found and given away in someone else's name.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A New Start

I am going to attempt to use this blog more often, hopefully daily, as a means to journal the events of my life. I know, I know this sounds so conceited, right? Why should anyone care about the details of my life? I mean really, who am I? Well, I am no one, but I want to be molded by I Am. Therefore, the details of my life, successes, failures and bloopers of my life along with the wisdom and experience I take away from them matter. Every step is a step that is directed. If I am directing my steps, then we will often talk about failures and bloopers without much learned. However, if I let Jesus guide my steps, those failures and bloopers can be turned into life lessons and lead me to success, vivtory and freedom! My life isn't all that exciting, but I am going to write like it is. Haha. I want to change my perspective. So yeah, when i actually have something real to say i'll be back, but for now Cheerio!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Blizzards and Worship

Three days ago I was walking around in short-sleeve shirts basking in the 67 degree weather. Two days ago i would thought i was experiencing Noah's flood all over again, if it had not been for the promise that God made way back then. Then to my ignorant surprise, that 67 degrees became 31 and that rain became snow. At first, confused by this i gloried in the surprise that i thought to be more a weather momentary accident than anything else, but as it kept snowing and kept snowing, i thought again. I drove an hour and a half in this snow storm to return to my athenian collegiate abode from Grace Baptist Church, following an intensely wonderful choir practice. It was this choir practice, singing of the glory of the Lord and his ressurection that set my heart in a spirit of worship as I was on the road. Due to the inclement weather I certainly was concerned for my safety as i travelled the now one-lane, snow covered highway, but as I traveled and prayed it was simply to glorify the Lord for what i saw, an industrialized highway become a vast wonderland of white majesty. Think Purity. Think holiness. That White.
When the lord delivered me safely home, I could do nothing but be grateful. I danced a little in the snow and threw a few snowballs in no particular direction. Then with the fast numbing of my fingers I sang out loud just one line "hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."
God of creation, take my breathe away! And he did. Sure, the rest of the night I was trapped inside with my roommates and girlfriend, power flickering on and off indecisively while we tried to keep ourselves entertained studying everything from Greek, chemistry, history and music--But the few splendid moments of awe were worth. Staring out the window at the fresh falling powder, ground free of man's mark, I worshipped. 
Worship because God is worth it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Shepherds and Robbers

Apparantly only shepherds and crooks roamed the grassy plains and hills of ancient Greece at night. Any other occurance is questionable. I learned this today and it made me think.

Shepherds and Robbers
In the same place
Roaming the world together.
One is the guide,
the other the crook
And both are interested in the same thing:
The Sheep.

One to save
the other destroys.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The truth

Since I know no one reads this i can be very honest with myself. Have you ever felt the distance between you and God? I don't mean have you ever looked at yourself and realized you were not close to God, but have you ever felt it? Its not a feeling as if something is there, its the feeling of something lacking. Something's missing. And goodness, i wonder why? Where did my steps go wrong? Who was I? Who am I? I am a leader in many respects in several Christian forums. I lead a Small campus ministry called CrossImpact, which i'm sad to say doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Last night we had a meeting with just 4 of us, and we had a great time in prayer. I am an officer in my Christian fraternity, the chaplain actually, which means i'm responsible for giving and aiding the spiritual direction of the fraternity. I cannot do it! I need too much guidance myself for me to be trying to give something to 70+ other guys. Who am I kidding? I feel like my miserable condition is transparent; I'm not even able to hide it.
I feel like i'm cheating the men of my fraternity by not being able to lead them properly. I feel like i am shorting my girlfriend because I just can't find joy. I know i am shorting God because my heart is in anguish. Remember that verse i posted a few days ago, from Matthew? The one that says the "kindom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field"? Well the man finds it and then for the sake of joy goes and sells all that he has to buy the field that it is in so that he can have the treasure. Joy. I remember what that feels like. The happiness, the smiles, the shouts that cannot be contained. It bubbles over and grows exponentially. Its joy. Joy in knowing God. Joy in pleasing God. Joy in being with people I love. Now what do I feel? discontentment, desire. An undescribable distant feeling, very much the antithesis of joy. HOW DO I FIND IT AGAIN?
I feel like i'm lying to everyone around me. God isn't fooled. I don't think anyone is fooled. I'm the fool.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Verb Madness

Today i took a quiz in Greek. It was a quiz on one verb meaning "to stand." Sounds easy, right? WRONG. This verb has over 80 different forms which i had to memorize and regurgitate onto paper...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So if it isn't obvious, I have really not been faithful lately with getting things done. I have a stack of books to read, a list of things to do, and a world of challenges ahead of me that I am somewhat frightened to take on. I wish i could fill you in on all the great stuff i'm learning, but to be  honest i feel kind of dry right now. I think i'm going to leave the stack of books behind (sort of) and pick up just one for right now. I'm deciding between Love Dare, a book about love from 1 corinthians 13 geared to married people (but seems like its got a lot of stuff i need to learn now) and a book about attitude called Lord, Change My Attitude. So if anyone knows of anything worth reading that will be uplifting and spiritually challenging (but easy to read) please let me know. Haha, i know, i only have 2 "followers" and i could just talk to either of you, but maybe someone will read this.

So for now: "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all he that has and buys that field" (Matthew 13:44)